If you love to fish, you’ve probably been frustrated by COVID-19. Before you embark on your next fishing trip, review these guidelines in order to keep yourself and others safe.
- If you are sick or exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms, stay home.
- Continue social distancing, even when you’re outside and on the water. Stay 6 feet from others at all times.
- Wear a mask when you’re in public and when social distancing isn’t possible. This includes a quick run into the bait shop for fishing supplies.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Wash your hands as often as possible. Carry hand sanitizer with you and make sure it contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Only fish with your immediate family. Don’t bring anyone else aboard your boat, and kindly turn down invitations to fish with others. It might be difficult to say no, but it’s your safest bet.
- Avoid sharing gear with others. Make sure to have plenty of our own gear and supplies on hand when you’re out on the water.
- Each county in New York is handling the pandemic differently, so rules may vary. Make sure you do plenty of research before you leave shore to make sure you’re in complete compliance.
- Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine! As long as you’re social distancing and being safe, there’s no reason not to sit back, relax, and wait for the fish to bite.